
Detail of  mixed media sculpture of a woman torso in white and gold

A while back, I created a piece I named "Fragile," reflecting a time when I felt emotionally delicate. Battling both chronic health issues and inner turmoil, I poured my heart into sculpting a woman full of holes yet covered with color & sparkles. On the back of her, I wove colored wire and added some traditional red and white “fragile handle with care” stickers. 

Detail of  mixed media sculpture of a woman torso in white and gold. This photo details the wall-facing side of the Sculpture.

However, my skills were rather fragile themselves  then, and the final result fell short of my aspirations. Yet, despite her imperfections, she served her purpose, guiding me through moments of vulnerability and offering solace in the act of creation.

Years later, with more advanced skills and a newfound clarity of purpose within my "Song of Myself" series, I felt compelled to revisit "Fragile." Though personally I was no longer in the grip of emotional fragility, the essence of the original concept lingered, calling out for a fresh interpretation.

Mixed media sculpture of a woman in white and gold, held by the artist for scale (lifesize torso)

Thus, I embarked on a journey to reshape "Fragile". Initially envisioning a similar outcome to the original, I’m thankful I allowed the process to unfold organically, embracing the unexpected twists and turns that often accompany artistic endeavors.

In the throes of creation, a transformation occurred. What emerged was a woman adorned with scars and fissures, yet imbued with a resilience that belied her fragile appearance. As I worked, layering the back with radiant gold and reinforcing the most vulnerable areas with wire and gold ribbon, I witnessed a shift from fragility to strength.

Detail of  mixed media sculpture of a woman torso in white and gold

This piece, now christened "Resilience," captures the hidden fortitude within us all – the quiet strength that sustains us through life's trials and tribulations. Despite the wounds we bear, there is a beauty that transcends the surface, a resilience that endures even in the face of adversity.

In essence, "Resilience" speaks to the inherent strength and beauty of the human spirit, reminding us that even amidst the most trying circumstances, there is a hidden strength, and a glimmer of gold waiting to shine through.


Song of Myself


Mundane & Exquisite