Gaia Gone Gaudy
Lisa Ruch Lisa Ruch

Gaia Gone Gaudy

As I progressed, the figure’s soul began to take shape, although she certainly was not speaking to me about the ‘journey of life’ concept I had started with. Rather, this was Gaia, not as the motherly figure often depicted, but as a teenage Earth…

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Song of Myself
Lisa Ruch Lisa Ruch

Song of Myself

I’d like to share with you the journey behind my series of work titled "Song of Myself" and how it came to be. It might take us on a bit of a ride, so grab your favorite beverage.

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Sculpture, Mixed Media, Figurative Lisa Ruch Sculpture, Mixed Media, Figurative Lisa Ruch


With more advanced skills and a newfound clarity of purpose within my "Song of Myself" series, I felt compelled to revisit "Fragile." Though personally I was no longer in the grip of emotional fragility, the essence of the original concept lingered, calling out for a fresh interpretation…

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Kitschy Crazy Shit
Lisa Ruch Lisa Ruch

Kitschy Crazy Shit

Although in general, with someone new, I’ll explain that most of the art I make is “embellished mixed media sculpture”, I personally prefer “kitschy crazy shit” as both a descriptor and a guiding principle to my work…

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Why Home Depot and Lowe’s are Awesome
Lisa Ruch Lisa Ruch

Why Home Depot and Lowe’s are Awesome

Finding the right materials to bring my studio creations to life is essential. While many artists frequent traditional art supply stores, I've discovered some rather unconventional sources for inspiration and materials…

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Testing, Testing…
Lisa Ruch Lisa Ruch

Testing, Testing…

Organized (or not) chaos.

The coffee cup being confused with the paint water jar

Several projects in various (often ugly) stages of progress (please, don’t look yet!!)

Such is the nature of an artist’s studio.

What you also don’t tend to see (or even imagine) when you view those finished works of art in a museum or show, is the testing that goes on.

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Lisa Ruch Lisa Ruch


Whomever created these magnificent creatures (octopus) had a sense of humor.

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Lisa Ruch Lisa Ruch


The beast came out of nowhere. I was not expecting him. He was not expecting me. Yet we came together…

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